Our first step is to meet to discuss the Portrait. We will consider how you would like the sitter to be dressed, as well as any background props or setting that best complement the character of the sitter, Consideration of where the finished painting will be displayed will help determine the size of the painting, as well as the color scheme and composition.

The first meeting can be combined with a photo session and is often completed in 1.5 hours. The artist’s preferred composition options made from the photos, will be presented to gain your approval and input via email or meeting. If necessary, a 2nd brief photo session will finalize the composition.

Some approximate guidelines for pricing are as follows:
Head and Shoulders, 18x24 or less: $750
Three-quarter length, including hands, 24x30 or less: $1,950
Full length, 30x40 or less: $2,750
Once the decision has been made to commission the portrait, I will send you a contract which clarifies the terms and specifications of the procedure including the following: • A one-third deposit will be made to initiate the process. We will then schedule a photo session. • I will then produce a monochrome version of the approved composition based on the preferred photo. Upon approval of the monochrome art, a second one-third deposit will be due. • I will then complete the color stage, upon whose approval, the final one-third payment, plus shipping, will be submitted, prior to delivery.
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